Wednesday 4 February 2015

Microsoft Release #TileArt For Windows Phone, Lets You Customize Your Home Screen

Microsoft launched a new app for Windows Phone called #TileArt. The app allows user to customize tiles on the start screen and create custom lock screens.

The images for the tiles and lockscreen can be set from the phone gallery of from the predefined photos in the app with different themes which include Sunset Overdrive, Animamaly: Ocean Sky, Cosmic Kitty and Astro girl, Halo and Mavuso. 

Here's what you can do with the #TileArt App
  • Create your own custom tile layout
  • Upload transparent PNG images
  • Access free #TileArt Gallery
  • Customize your lock screen
  • Share home screen with your friends.
To celebrate the launch, Microsoft has partnered with TalentHouse to select 4 artists, illustrators or graphic designers to create original sets of art for the #TileArt app gallery. The competition is open for the next 21 days, starting today and will run until 24 Februrary. It consists of two rounds, for the first round users will have to show their best artwork, out of which 10 will be selected for the second round. 

The 10 finalist will have to create a set of complementary images and will be given Lumia 930 to upload their images via #TileArt. 4 winners will be chosen and will receive $1500 and a Surface Pro 3. To know the official rules and details, hit the source link below.

Download : #TileArt

Source : TalentHouse