Wednesday 23 March 2016

Microsoft is working on a tool to port Chrome extensions to Edge browser

Microsoft recently introduced Extensions support for Edge in Windows 10 Build 14291, and released three extension for Edge browser, with more to come later this year.

A few days back Jacob Rossi of Microsoft Edge team announced that Microsoft is woking on a tool that will let Windows Insiders members port Chrome extensions to Edge browser. Currently the tool is not finished and does not support all the APIs.

It's worth noting that porting Chrome extensions to Edge browser is easy. Developers are able to port Chrome extension to Edge easily after changing several lines of code. However the new tool should make it easier for developer to port Chrome extensions to Edge.

We'll get to know more about the tool at Microsoft's Build 2016 developer conference later this month or at the Edge web summit on April 4.

Microsoft's Windows 10 Build 14291 that was released last week, added the ability to install extension on Edge browser. Three extensions were made available - Microsoft Translator, Reddit Enhancement Suite and Mouse Gesture, and over the weekend, a new extension called 'Turn off the Lights' (turn the background dark of Edge browser when watch video) was also made available.


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