Friday 22 April 2016

Android N Developer Preview comes to Sony Xperia Z3

The Android N Developer Preview is now available for Sony Xperia Z3, which is the first non-Nexus device to get the preview release. Two variants of the Xperia Z3 is eligible to test the preview release - D6603 and D6653.

To recall, Google released the Android N Developer Preview last month, and was available for few Neuxs devices, including Nexux 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, Pixel C tablet and General Mobile 4G. Users were able to either flash the image or enroll to receive OTA update to test Android N.

However, in case of Sony Xperia Z3, users will have to install Sony's Xperia Companion app on their PC, download the Developer Preview and manually flash the device, following which future updates will be sent directly by Sony over-the-air. 

"Use the N Developer Preview to test your apps with new system behaviours for saving power and memory. Extend your apps with new features such as multi-window UI, direct reply notifications and more," noted Sony on its developer website.

What’s new in Android N:
  • Multi-window support – This new multi-tasking feature lets users open up two apps on the screen at once.
  • Bundled notifications – You can group messages together, for example, by message topic.  Users can then take actions in one place.
  • Direct reply notifications – Users can respond quickly to notifications directly within the notification interface.
  • Efficiency – Google has improved Doze to save even more power in Android N. There are also new behaviors in Project Svelte, aiming to reduce the memory needs of Android.
Flashing your compatible Xperia Z3 device
  • Connect your compatible Z3 device to a computer with a USB cable.
  • Xperia Companion will open automatically
  • Make sure you have Xperia Companion version 1.1.24 or later. If not, download the latest version from here.
  • Hold down the ALT key on your computer and click on Software repair on the home screen, then follow the guide.
  • You’ll be asked to disconnect and turn off your device, then to reconnect whilst holding down the volume down key to start the software flashing.
  • You can return to factory settings at any time by connecting back to Xperia Companion and following the Software repair
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